Chapter 3 Reflection
Photo Credit: Ashley Macias
Caption: Hard at work or hardly working
One of the most interesting things about this chapter I would say would have to be how much social media is affecting modern day journalism. For example, social media platforms are making it so easy for people all around the world to communicate and stay connected. One prime example of this would be Twitter, a social media app that posts up in a form of a tweet and allows others to follow you and allows you to be updated on world wide news. This has also been a platform for a mass amount of people to share tweets about the same topic with the use of a hashtag. One other interesting thing about the use of social media for journalism is now an days a person has complete access to any newspaper corporation with the simple click of an app. There is no need for a physical paper to read up on the news anymore. These and so many other forms of social media are improving the way journalism is being utilized around the world.